Contact Details
- 01214302545
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR
Primary School
Welcome to Kingfishers Class Page
Hi everyone and welcome to Kingfishers! This page will display general information and specific dates of events that you will need to know throughout the year. Photos and videos will appear on this page with parental consent
Homework for Kingfishers will be sent home on a Friday and collected in on a Friday. If your child is struggling with their homework, they can always bring it in and ask any member of the Year 4 team for help if needed. We are always happy to help. Children can also bring their homework in sooner if they have completed it.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Burn & Mrs Debono
November 23- Welcome back, we had a great first half term in Kingfishers. The children all settled into year 4 really well and have been enthusiastic about their learning. They particularly enjoyed their English topic on Fables, and their Geography topic on Rainforests. We hope you enjoyed listening to the children on their new instruments over the holiday, we know they have been very excited about them in school. We're looking forward to another great half term as we lead up to Christmas. Mrs Burn and Mrs Debono.
February 24
Kingfishers class have had a wonderful half term, enjoying lots of super activities, such as, a visit from The Dogs Trust, a professional tennis coaching session and their first cricket coaching session too. The children have worked really hard and we've packed in lots of learning to this shorter half term since Christmas. Well done and keep up the fabulous work!
Mrs Debono and Mrs Burn.
March 24
We have had a jam packed but fun-filled half term in Kingfisher's class! Some highlights have included, our wonderful professional cricket coaching from Warwickshire Cricket Club, our continued enjoyment of our weekly strings music lessons and some of the children being awarded their first pen licenses! We hope to give out even more pen licenses after Easter so watch this space....
Wishing you all a wonderful, safe and hopefully chocolate filled Easter!
Mrs Debono :-)
May 2024
What a wonderful half term we've had, the children really enjoyed the Cricket Festival, showcasing their brilliant cricket skills and sportsmanship. Everyone gave it their all and made us very proud. The highlight of course was our residential trip to St Briavels where all of the children shone and represented our school amazingly. Here are some photos for you to enjoy.
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR