Contact Details
- 01214302545
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR
Primary School
We are looking forward to seeing you on Teams this week!
If you haven't got your login yet, please message us on the year group email
Watch the presentations and complete the activities. You will need the phoneme frame shown from your Home Learning Pack. You can follow the powerpoint or video below. (They are the same, we suggest you use what works best on your device). You can pause them when needed to build the words.
For additional phonic activities click on the pictures and follow the links to play the phonic games
PhonicsPlay have made their website available for free, using the following login
username: jan21 password: home
ICT Games
rehearse the phonemes covered this term
th, ch, sh, ng, ar, oo(moon), igh
Click on the pictures and watch the animations. Practice writing the graphemes. You could make it more fun by writing them on a larger scale on the back of old wallpaper, with chalks outside, in a tray of dry sand, salt or shaving foam. See the pictures below for more ideas.
Click on the picture to listen to the focus story for this week,
'Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram
The activities below are based on the story
Story Time
Click on the book cover to listen to the story
Don't forget to activate your reading library on Rising Stars. We know that real books are better, but this will give you access to phonic reading books from our scheme at the appropriate level. We would like you to spend 10 minutes each day reading. Click on the picture for the login page. See Evidence Me for more details.
Click on the picture and watch the video for that day.
Complete the matching pdf activity below.
Understanding the World
Watch the short video of Nina and the Neurons. Discuss what made the rocket move.
Can you build a rocket? Can you make your rocket move?
You could use...
Construction bricks you have at home or junk materials.
Use the picture prompts below for ideas. Click on the last 3 images for instructions.
Do you know how to make a shadow?
1. Cut out a simple shape, rocket or funny alien shape. Attach it to a straw with tape.
2. Switch on a torch and place it on a table facing a wall.
3. Hold the puppet in-between the torch and the wall. Can you see the shadow it makes?
You could make shadows with your hands. Have a go at the hand shapes below.
Make a Space Lunch
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR