Contact Details
- 01214302545
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR
Primary School
As a school we have now enacted our Governing Body decision that all requests for pupil holidays during term-time will be refused unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Our Governing Body appreciate the problems that families currently face in funding family holidays in these difficult economic times but we are duty bound to try, with the support of our Education Enforecement Team and Solihull MBC, to tackle the issue we are facing at Peterbrook, of the increasing numbers of parents expecting to have holidays in term-time. As always, we are putting the learning needs of our pupils as our first priority. The following are attendance strategies that we follow in supporting pupil school attendance.
Promoting Regular Attendance
A range of reward activities are in place to support pupil attendance and have fun at the same time!
Sam the Bear
A fortnightly award given to the class with the highest attendance. The pupils are given Sam the Bear to keep in class for a two week period and are allowed one 15 minute extended playtime referred to as ‘Golden Time’ (see PDF’s)
100% Attendance Certificate
Awarded to pupils at the end of the academic year.
School Council Involvement
Children are asked for their suggestions on how they think attendance could be improved – possibly through competitions for designing poster, etc. School Councellors action their suggestions.
Reminders to parents about the importance of regularly attending school and the impact of holidays during term-time are inserted into newsletters periodically.
To bring to their attention the importance of punctuality a letter is sent to the parents of children regularly arriving late.
Late Gate
A ‘late gate’ scheme has been introduced involving our Education Welfare Office, Headteacher and Senior Administrative Assistant meeting children and parents arriving late to school. A discussion is held with late arrivees focusing on the importance of arriving on time and the impact arriving late has on children and their learning. A follow-up punctuality letter is sent to those parents arriving late.High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR