Contact Details
- 01214302545
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR
Primary School
Why is P.E. important to you?
Phoebe - Year 2 - It is really important because you keep fit and healthy.
Shannon - Year 3 - Because it makes you fit and gives you lots of energy!
Why is important to be fit and healthy?
Phoebe - Year 2 - So that you can grow up to be really strong.
Daniel - Year 6 - Because if you're not healthy you can get really ill.
How do P.E. lessons keep you fit and healthy?
George - Year 5 - It gets you moving and makes you burn fat and gets you using all of your energy.
Shannon - Year 3 - Because you get to stretch all of your muscles, especially in your arms and legs.
Why do you enjoy P.E. at school?
George - Year 5 - It is fun and sporty and it keeps you healthy.
Shannon - Year 3 - Because it is really fun and it keeps you healthy.
Kaylum - Year 6 - Because it keeps you fit and helps you to use all of your energy.
Joseph - Year 2 - Because it is really fun and keeps you healthy.
Phoebe - Year 2 - Because it keeps me strong.
What are your favourite things to do in P.E.?
Isaac - Year 4 - I love to play dodgeball in P.E. because I run around a lot!
Phoebe - Year 2 - I love doing the warm up because it warms your muscles.
George - Year 5 - I like doing all of the skills and then using them in the games as I can improve all of my sports!
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR