Contact Details
- 01214302545
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR
Primary School
You can contact us via Evidence Me or the year group email
Watch the presentations and complete the activities.
You will need the phoneme frame shown from your Home Learning Pack.
Click on the pictures and watch the animations. Practice writing the digraphs at the top of the phoneme frame then gradually write smaller on lined paper.
Click on the picture and watch the video for that day .
Complete the matching pdf activity below.
Listen to our focus story this week, 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy
The activities below are based on the story.
Over the week, listen to some of these stories about night time. Click on the book to listen. Which is your favourite? Why? Do you know of any other night time stories?
Expressive Arts and Design
Click on the box to watch a lesson about making spaceships and rockets.
A Starry Night
Click on the book to listen to the story of Katie when she went to the art gallery and her adventure with the painting.
Click on the picture to see the animated version of Van Gogh's painting 'Starry Night'.
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR