Contact Details
- 01214302545
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR
Primary School
Have a look at some of the many things that we do to encourage and inspire the children to read:
We celebrate World Book Day every year! We celebrate all things 'Books' on this day, come dressed as our favourite book characters and share our favourite books with each other. We create a wonderful environment on this day for everyone to really enjoy through a variety of exciting activities. It really is an amazing day for us all.
We also organise special author visits to the school to inspire the children here at Peterbrook. We have had man famous authors come and inspire the children; these have included recent visits from Andy Stanton (Mr Gum) and Catherin Doyle (The Stormkeeper's Island)
We have a wide selection of books in school for children to borrow to read for their pleasure. We have reading areas in all classrooms, which are full of fantastic fiction and non-fiction books and even up to date children's newspapers 'First News'. The reading areas are wonderful, as they give children the chance to 'switch off' and lose themselves in a book of their choice.
Teachers also choose books to read to their classes throughout the year. These really engage their classes into the stories, with children often asking when they can be read to again.
We also use 'Reading Buddies' here at Peterbrook, where we give the older children in KS2 opportunities to read with the younger children in KS1. They spend time reading with each other, talking about books and helping to build the confidence of younger children in their reading skills. The children are fantastic when taking part in this scheme and is a real success here in our school.
We have a fantastic school library, full of over 1000 books, where children are able to borrow books. It is a library run by the children and for the children :)
We have some super displays around school, which showcase the children's writing. Our star writing displays encourage other children to stop and read the work of others, engaging them in reading for pleasure. We also have word of the day displays in every classroom, where children are encouraged to learn the meaning of new and interesting words, using them in their writing tasks during the week.
As well as promoting reading in school, we also encourage a love of reading at home for the children at school. We have a good relationship with Shirley Library, who send representatives to us and talk to the children about how to use the library and borrowing books. They also set the children reading challenges over the holiday breaks, so that all children have a bit more motivation to read and to of course further their enjoyment of reading.
Solihull book club also send us a selection of new books throughout the year for our older, more advanced readers to borrow and then review for them. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children, as they get the latest releases of books and get to try new books from a wide variety of authors, who they may not have read before.
We love reading here at Peterbrook and we do encourage the children to read as much as possible. If you would like to know anything about reading here at school, please don't hesitate in asking your child's class teacher when you get the chance.
High Street, Solihull Lodge, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1HR